Sunday, January 20, 2013

Swimming Fun

The kiddie slide was a big hit...
as was standing under the waterfall.

The boys loved the slides.  Most times Carter half covered his face, more of an 'oh my!' look than actually covering his eyes for protection.

I have more pictures of Henry than Carter, but maybe that is because Carter never stood still long enough to get a picture that wasn't blurred.  I haven't looked at the videos yet, but there's gotta be a good one of Carter somewhere. 
Henry liked the waterslides but he was also content to just float, I get that.
All ready.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Those kiddies my have have schrinkled skin being in the water all the time. They will be great swimmers. Many memories from the pools at the hotels as they grew up
I remember Casey and Landon doing the same o thing And Kirsten growing up with a pool...