Thursday, January 3, 2013

1st Day of School...

Well, 6:45 pm after the first day of school.  We decided to start Carter in Pre-School this month.  He goes Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30 to 3:00.  His class has three girls and one other boy.  He was so excited to go to school.  He ate all his dinner and picked up all his toys last night and was very cooperative and did everything we asked him to.  But he didn't have much to say about school after I picked him up (other than telling the other little boy "call me, maybe" as we were leaving).  On the 30 minute drive home tonight he was asleep only a few miles into the trip which was no surprise since he's still a napper.  We left him in the car while we made super yummy elk tenderloin fajitas, waking him up when the food was on the table.  Instead of eating he wined, skipped dinner, and went to his room to finish crying while we ate.  When we were done I went to check on him and this is what I found. 
This video doesn't do justice for Santa's music.  It is LOUD!  We could hear it with the door closed, down the hall, with Henry jabbering.  

1 comment:

Dave said...

Wow first day of school must have dramatic and exhausting
for Carter That is funny and wow how time moves so fast