Saturday, January 12, 2013

Some Random Fun

As we were leaving for New Year's in Bismarck I threw a neck pillow back to Henry.  He thought it should be a hat. 
Our basement is unfinished.  It is -4.3 degrees outside.  Gotta find something to do.  Best idea they could come up with - a shooting range.
Carter had a blast and was pretty bummed when they ran out of beebees.  Mom to the rescue.  We are reloaded and ready for more. 
Carter likes to watch Grey's Anatomy with me.  That started when he was about 2.  Landon has fire meetings on Thursdays so the only way I could peacefully watch my 1 show was to let him watch it with me. This night he got the recliner.  He had his feet up and his little bear and a blanket and was set.  Then Landon, sarcastically, asked if he was comfortable and if we could get him anything.  Carter's reply was yes, he'd like that pillow Landon was using.  We laughed til our show came back on. 

Lately Henry just wants to wear underwear.  So we let him.   
He also likes to carry around guns in a cowboy hat and Dad's boots. 

I'm not sure what he was preparing to do, but I think he should be safe enough.
He would kill me if he knew I posted this, but it is too funny not to.  In fairness I have some videos of me in a swimsuit that I'm willing to post, so I think we'll be even.  He was pretty convinced that we needed a WII after the weekend in Bismarck.  

1 comment:

Dave said...

I like those pics
Great making use of the cold temps outside and having fun inside

Looks the Wellness program has a great start for Landon