Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hunting and Fishing

Carter has started to hunt with Landon.  He takes his toy shotgun and gets dressed up in camo just like Dad.  Luckily we live in an area with plenty of wildlife and friendly landowners so their hunts can be as short or as long as they want them to be.  Carter lines them up, counts them, rearranges them, pets them, counts them again, and makes up stories about them.  He also wants a knife so he can help clean them.  He's even started to help cook them.
Well, he didn't cook them, but he did help assemble some pretty yummy dove stuffed jalapeno poppers.
Ice fishing is in full swing around here.  I finally figured out to keep one coat for fishing and one coat for school/trips to town/church, otherwise everything stinks like fish and I end up washing coats and bids several times a week.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I like that smell ....smells like fish
Means Carter was successful

Busy boys you have

What a great way of life