Sunday, October 25, 2009

May 2009

Carter loves to go for walks. He was still a little small for the stroller so we had to add some extra padding. Amazingly, he leaves his sun glasses on. Of course he can't stay awake for more than about 20 minutes, but he still loves it.
At the end of May we went on a REALLY long road trip. Our final destinations were Portland, OR and Seattle, WA. We took 2 1/2 days going out there and about 3 coming home. We went to Portland so Landon could go fishing. I posted pictures a while ago of his fishing trip. Then we went to Seattle for my cousin Max' wedding. Carter did great traveling; he slept most of the way, learned how to roll over in the hotel in Missoula, and waited until we stopped for the day before pooping. We spent an afternoon at Pike's Market (culture shock for Landon), but only managed to take two pictures the whole time we were out there, except for the fishing trip, which we have about 50 pictures of.
My cousin Wyatt, who will be teaching Carter the finer points of baseball, spent some time cuddling with Carter while watching tv.
For Mother's Day we, just me and the little man, went to Billings. My mom, aunt, and a couple close friends, and I have been doing the Women's Run, aka the Women's Waddle, held the Saturday before Mother's Day for several years now. I was going to take Carter but it was a little rainy the day before so I thought I'd better ask Grandma Ash to watch him JUST IN CASE it was rainy on Saturday morning. All Grandma heard was blah, blah, blah, "will you watch Carter Saturday morning", blah, blah, blah. Forget the JUST IN CASE part. They had a great morning together, and so did us waddlers.

I can tell you this picture was taken in May, but because both my mom and mother-in-law didn't have the date set on their cameras right, May is all I can tell you. (I've since fixed that problem for both of them)

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