Sunday, October 25, 2009

July 2009

Abby likes anything she can lick.
Carter got to go swimming in the lake for first time with his Grandma Karen. I think it's too cold to swim in, but I was raised with a heated pool.
He's a pro at eating. He got baby cereal for the first time in July, and he ate like he'd been eating for years. I had the camera and camcorder out thinking it was going to be a great show. Good thing we didn't sell tickets for it, we would have been refunding them. Landon and I are expert eaters and I'm pretty sure Carter inherited that from us, along with the countless dinners at the table he had to sit through watching us eat without getting much more than a tickle on the bottom of his foot.
Carter also got to go fishing for the first time in July. He even got to touch a slimy fish and drive Grandpa Dave's boat. And yes, he does have two life jackets, and yes he does have to wear them.
Carter, Cindy, and I went to Billings in July for weekend of eating and swimming. This is Carter's first time in a swimming pool (it was before swimming in the lake). We were still using the baby tub at the time, so it was a big deal to have all that water to play in. Unfortunately, we missed the opportune swimming time and ended up cutting it short because he got cranky.

Need I say more?

1 comment:

Krissi said...

Holy Cow! Look how stinkin big he is! Tell your Mom thanks for coming to town so you could have time to update your blog!!! I love love love the new pictures on here. Love the one of you guys all dressed up in June. You look great! Carter is super cute! Tell your mom to come back soon! ;-)