Monday, August 22, 2011

Guess What...

More fishing pictures.

When Carter gets left behind he goes fishing by himself. We searched high and low for a boat and found Landon's ice fishing sled. We just happened to have an old net laying around and of course Carter has his own pole, tackle box, and bait. We forgot the life jacket, which is somewhat surprising because he knows that he has to wear it when he goes fishing and we have more than one spare. This kept him busy enough that I got most of the house picked up, no, wait. I'll go as far as to say that it kept him busy enough for me to get most of the house CLEANED, not just picked up.

The Salmon are biting. This one was 12lbs. Bet you can't guess what we're having for dinner...every other night...let's just say we won't have to take fish oil supplements, EVER.


Dave said...

Looks like Henry is too busy looking for Carter and seeing what he is doing Carter has some great intentions of make believe Doesnt take alot of gas and bait fishing in the back yard

Dave said...

Happy Anniversary Landon and Kirsten!!!