Saturday, August 13, 2011

Like Father Like Son

The Holte men have an addiction and it appears to be hereditary. Carter wakes up and immediately asks, "Dad wake? Mom wake? Baby wake?". If Landon isn't home Carter asks, "Dad wook?". Depending on my reply, Carter asks, "Boat home?". Our conversation continues until Carter determines that Dad is awake, Dad isn't at work, and the boat is not at home. Then it is a fight to get him to do anything because in his little mind he has figured out that his Dad is fishing without him. He must get his 'ishing pole' and go fishing. One day last week Landon got done with work early and picked Carter up from Katey's house to go fishing. They got home at about 8:30 with dinner for a week.

I'm afraid that I will lose both my boys to the same addiction that has consumed their Father; unless of course all the fish die.

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