Saturday, August 13, 2011

Carters 'kini' Body

I know I shouldn't post this, but it was too funny not to. I was laying out in the sun for a few minutes every day at nap time in my itsy bitsy teeny weeny black and green string bikini to work up a little tan so I wouldn't burn during the fishing tournament and Carter found my 'don't let anyone see me in it now' swimming suit of my youth. (whoo, long sentence). Carter couldn't say, nice bikini body mom, but he could say, "kini on, mom". So I helped him into it. Sad part was he wanted to go outside and go swimming in it. I didn't let it go that far.


The Fast Family said...

Love LOVE LOVE it!

BirdLady said...

He is just too funny! He doesn't have an older sibling to do this to him..He just does it. I love it!