Sunday, June 26, 2011

Carter - June 2011

Carter is going to "wook". He is Landon's mini me and has started going to work. He'll grab his backpack, or a diaper bag, or lunch cooler and tell me goodbye, i love you, and start heading for the door. When asked where he's going he'll say "to wook". Pretty funny little man.
Joy and Dwite, good family friends that go way back to Landon's childhood, gave us a gift for Henry - a cute little outfit and the Tickle Monster book. Carter thinks everything is for him so he snatched up the book right away. It comes with Tickle Monster hands, like gloves with finger cut outs. You all know that Carter likes to sleep with the newest toy or book and last night was no exception. He had to sleep with the gloves on. They are for adults so they didn't stay on all night. I think we've ready the book 20 times since we opened it on Friday night.

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