Friday, February 22, 2008

From Wedding to Hunting Season (AKA Grocery Shopping)

This is my deer for 2007. We had been elk hunting and were on our way out when we saw him. We had to do quite a bit more hunting to fill the freezer for the year, but this was one of the better pictures of our success in 2007. I had to revise this post to suite Jane from England, although she'd rather have had me delete this blog all together. Her entire comments can be read by clicking on "Jane" and then scrolling down to "Carlisle Lass" and visiting her blog. Feel free to comment on our behalf.


Jane said...

I cannot believe you have shot something so beautiful...and to smile about it as well. Obscene.

Jane said...

I don't dispute the fact that you kill animals in order to eat them. The reason I flagged your blog up as "inappropriate" is because I found the pic of the dead deer offensive. Granted you think it is normal but it is hard for me to grasp that fact. Sorry if I'm not more tolerant. I am trying very hard to understand your way of life but please don't insult me by insinuating that I am uneducated and don't have a degree. To be honest, why should it matter whether I have a degree or not? To me, it matters what you post on your blog..and to have yourself photographed over a dead deer you have just killed isn't very nice. You can go on about hunting as much as you like without providing proof, we do believe you.

Krissi said...

Congrats on your great hunting season! Better than I did this year. Mine was just a baby. I need to hunt with you!