Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Abby Cuss Holte

Abby was born on June 20, 2006 in North Dakota. We picked her out when she was just a few weeks old. Landon’s mom brought her home on August 18th, Landon’s 26th birthday. We named her Abby about 3 years ago, long before we even planned on getting a dog. Her middle name, Cuss, came from calling her abacus (it’s a math nerd thing) as a nickname. Then it just stuck. So now she comes to Abby or Cuss.

Landon started hunting with her right away and now she's addicted to hunting and swimming. This is one of Abby's first retrieves at about 4 months old. Landon was pretty proud of her.
Occasionally Abby helps me garden-either by digging holes for me or by holding down my bag o' gardening fun. Puppies can sleep anywhere.

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