Monday, November 1, 2010


Carter likes to carve pumpkins...if...he gets to hold the knife and someone else touches the slimmy guts. He's kind of weird about getting his hands dirty and it wasn't until we were done that he tried to help clean out the seeds. Of course he's too serious to smile.
Our little lover is just that. He will gladly give the dogs, Mom and Dad, toys, and yes, even a pumpkin a kiss.
Isn't he the cutest little Fireman you've ever seen?!
The only problem with letting Carter drive the Firetruck is that he doesn't want to get out. Although he was willing to help his Dad put out a fire, as long as he doesn't get his boots dirty.


Dave said...

Looks to me Carter is going to be a pumpkin carver
and a Fireman
Like the hat and the boots
He is always so friendly with pumpkins

69 days? Wow that is fast
Great job on the Blog


Unknown said...

Love the little boots! They are great. Carter makes a very handsome fireman. He must take after Steve's Dad. He hates to get his hands dirty too.

BirdLady said...
