Monday, October 18, 2010

The Name Game

Now that we have less than 100 days until Baby Boy #2 is here we need some help. We need boy names. I have a theory...
Each boy has 3 names; a first, middle and last. That means we need 6 names total. The way I see it Landon gets to pick 3 names and I get to pick 3 names. It has been predetermined that both boys have the last name Holte; therefore using 2 of Landon's picks by default. Carter's middle name is David-Landon's middle name and Landon's Dad's first name. Yet another one of Landon's picks, albeit by default. I will claim "Carter" as my pick. If I did my math correctly (and I do have a degree in it) that leaves 2 names to pick, both of which should be mine. That said, Baby Boy #2 is named. In the event that Baby Boy #2 does not have brown hair and brown eyes we need a name based on the following criteria:
1. Cannot start with C, K, or L
2. Cannot end in AN, EN, IN, ON, UN, YN, or ER
3. Must be exactly 2 syllables
4. Cannot rhyme with Holte
When the list you provide us has been narrowed down to 5 or 6 names we will post a poll to narrow it down further. And if we don't get a single response, I will name him after Landon's favorite pasttime...Fishor Hunt Holte


Neck said...

Why 2 syllables?

Someday is Unforeseen said...

Landon, Kirsten, and Carter are all 2 syllables and that is the only pattern I'm willing to follow.

Unknown said...

Steven Aubrey Holte sounds good to me.

BirdLady said...


Carter & Derek.

Landon, Kirsten, Carter, & Derek.

I like Derek (I'm just pointing it out in two places...). :P