Saturday, January 24, 2009

Three Weeks to Go?

Only three weeks to go, give or take two weeks. I think that mostly guarantees a February baby. He can only be born January 31st, February 7th, or February 14th. The 31st because that's my birthday and he'd be the 3rd generation on the Wilson side with a January 31st birthday. My Auntie Anne is the other January 31st baby. February 7th works because in my math nerd brain 02+07=09, and February 14th is just a good day. Don't worry, I'll keep everyone posted as we get closer.


Krissi said...

You are so darn cute! Picture looks the same as you posted several weeks ago, just your belly is a little bigger. You look great. I voted on your names - it was a hard pick between Drake and Carver. I also really like Carter. Those are my top 3 - I would have voted for all 3 if I could have! I'll be checking the blog Wed. for news... Good luck!

Krissi said...

My boys think you just have a balloon under your shirt - and they've been around prego bellies lots, so you must look good!

Andy said...

I think you should name him Danger...

Danger David Holte

then everyone will think his name is David and he goes by "Danger."

Or, Bowser, like in Mario. One of the two.

Someday is Unforeseen said...

I like Danger. Too bad I can't add it to the poll to see what others think. I guess they'll just have to leave a comment.

Rachelle said...

Congrats on the little bean Kirsten!! Sorry you won't be able to come to Boise, we'll miss ya. Look forward to seeing baby Holte...Yeahhhh

Disney Mom said...

I had a hard time picking names too! I know a Rock, Drake and Ivan and all three are super cute so it was hard! I can't wait to see a pic of him and find out what his name is!