Thursday, January 1, 2009

Aaahh, How Cute

I couldn't resist taking this picture. We spent Christmas in Watford City, ND with Landon's side of the family. Landon had a busy morning of ice fishing and Cruz had a busy morning of doing baby things, and they needed an afternoon nap, under the tree. Cruz is already 3 months old and growing like crazy. Our little bean is already getting hand-me-downs from his cousin. Spending Christmas with Cruz just makes the days til we have ours seem longer. Only 6 more weeks though!


Unknown said...

Landon looks like he has this Daddy business down to a 'T' already. He will know just what to do, when your own little bean arrives. Can't wait!

BirdLady said...

Oh, that is cute! I better get pics of the newborn..I'm requesting! :D