Saturday, August 3, 2013

Kid's Rodeo Day

This weekend is the Northeast Montana Fair in Glasgow and today was Kid's Rodeo Day.  If it's a rodeo then it's an occasion to wear the cowboy outfit.  The morning started at 10:00 with a Chicken Scramble.  I think they had about 10 kids in each heat and threw about 4 chickens in at a time.  Carter didn't even come close to catching a chicken but he had fun.  He's the little guy in the blue wranglers, black and brown plaid shirt, and tan hat. 
 After the Chicken Scramble they did a Boot Race.  And they're off!
We let our friend, Wheeler, borrow Carter's cowboy boots from last year so he could be a real cowboy too.  They are the same boots as this year, just a different size.  Wheeler grabbed two boots and headed back to the finish line.  Carter was left with two boots, both for the left feet, so he was a little confused and not at all happy with Wheeler when he got back to the finish line.  I guess you NEVER steal a cowboy's boots.
 After the Boot Race they did a Pig Scramble.  This time they did about 15 or 20 kids at a time.  And they should have...
 check out the size of the pig.  At first it just looks like the guy has on black pants, but nope.  That's a pig held up by it's hind legs.  Pretty big pig for a group of kids 5 and under.  

 After the Pig Scramble they did a Sack Race.  Carter thought it was pretty cool to wear a sack.

Until he ended up in the middle of the pack with tired jumping legs.  I'm not exactly sure why the sad sack, but he was done before he got to the finish line.
 At some point they did Dummy Roping but I was busy chasing down Henry and missed it.  I did hear them announce that Carter roped the bull on the first try!  After all the 'kid' stuff we got down to serious business and did some Mutton Buston.  The first time Carter got the helmet and vest on and made it into the shoot before he chickened out.  Then we had a little talk and he decided he would try again.  Here he is trying to get onto the sheep.  
  He didn't stay on very long, none of the kids did.  He was pretty proud of himself for trying again.  He said he felt like the was riding a bull.  I'm not quite sure how he can make that comparison since he's never been on a bull, but I wasn't going to argue with him.
The helpers are right next to the kids and he did a pretty good job 'catching' Carter when he fell off.
I videoed this but can't seem to get it downloaded.  I'll be sure to re-post or link to it if I can get it working.

We had a pretty great morning at the rodeo.  I only lost Henry once and luckily there were enough people that we knew that watched Carter while I looked for Henry.  Henry didn't want to participate in any of the events, maybe next year.  Carter didn't win anything but they both got $10 gift certificates for Eugene's Pizza for participating.  After the rodeo we had pizza with some friends and headed home.  Both the boys played hard and slept hard.  Now Mom and Dad need to get to bed.  Tomorrow is another big day - 
Kitchen Remodel - Day 3.

1 comment:

Dave said...

What a fun day for the boys
That must have been a hoot Way to go Carter and Henry next year your turn..
Great job on the blog