Saturday, August 3, 2013

Swimming Lessons

 This was Carter's first year of real swimming lessons.  I did aqua-tots with him the summer he was 1 1/2 but haven't done lessons since.  We've been swimming in the lake and teaching him a thing or two on our own but thought it was time for some real lessons.  
They swam for 45 minutes a day for 10 days.  We had two days cancelled because of lightning and the last day was a fun day, so really, he only had seven days of swimming lessons.  It wasn't really long enough to get down to business, but he had fun anyway.  He wouldn't jump off the diving board and didn't swim all that well without the floaty and didn't pass to the next level, but he loves the water so we can't complain.  He'll swim around the boat three or four times with a life jacket on so we know he can swim, but he may be like me and love to float and relax instead of swim competitively.

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