Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hmmm, Now What?

The boys were playing with this castle tent in the back yard one morning.  We had a slight breeze, but no real 'wind'.  Then a gust came out of nowhere, lasting less than a minute.  But in that minute the wind took the tent, which was right in front of where I'm standing, into the fence to the back and right of the deck and then into the power lines, complete with sparks, and into the tree.  Then tent probably traveled 100 yards by the time it got stuck in the tree.  We lost power but the CoOp guys were on it and we had power less than an hour later.  Luckily, the wind picked up little after the big gust and blew the tent out of the tree and into the other neighbors yard.  Unfortunately, the tent had too much damage and it is out in the garage in the "I hate to throw it away because they just got it, but it's damaged and they probably won't play with it anymore" pile.

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