Saturday, June 8, 2013

Almost Camping

A few weeks ago we took a little trip out to the wilderness.  Ordinarily we would have planned better and gone when it wasn't raining, but we didn't really have a choice.  On May 18th Carter and Landon went fishing and Henry and I stayed home.  We took Mesa for a walk around town and then headed to Nashua to Pege Sue's Posies for some annuals for my Grandpa Barrel and for a pot for Carolyn's headstone.  Mesa hopped in the car and went with us.  Pege Sue's Posies is at a farm yard, or ranch, and they always have dogs running around so we let Mesa out to explore while we wandered.  Peggy and I headed out back to look at some ornamental grasses and found Mesa laying on the ground.  She must have had a heart attack or stroke and died.  But what a place to go-a greenhouse.  Sounds like a good place to me.
 October 6, 2001 - May 18, 2013
Mesa loved to explore with us so we thought it was most fitting to bury her near one of her favorite places.  I threw together some camping/picnic food and a few necessities and we headed here...
 It was a little rainy, but nothing a coat couldn't handle.  Landon didn't have any matches or a lighter so we had to get creative and use the stove to get a fire going.  

They are already drawn to fire.  It must be a boy thing.

 We had dinner in the rain.
 Off to explore.
 Daddy had too many s'mores and got a little crazy with the boys.
We have plans to head back out and do some real camping in a couple weeks.  It will be our first time in the wilderness overnight.  Wish us luck.

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