Saturday, September 15, 2012

Canning - 1st Attempt

I may have planted a few too many seeds of the wrong kind of veggies in the garden this year.  The seeds were given to me and I only planted them so they weren't wasted.  We ended up with a zillion patty pan squash, 1/2 a zillion summer squash, some kind of winter squash that isn't ready yet, and more zucchini than I wanted.  I've given some away, made some freezer jam, and made some refrigerator sweet summer squash pickles.  THIS is my first shot at really canning.  Actually boiling jars, with food in them, FOORREEVVEERR.  I don't understand how it can take a kettle of hot water over an hour to come to a boil on high heat, but it did.  I guess I should have started the water when I covered the zucchini with ice for 2 hours.  So this is the result of my first real canning experience.  I started at 11ish and finished at 3:30ish.  May be too much work for me, although, there were 2 hours of sitting time in that 4 1/2.  Yay for 4 pints of Bread and Butter Zucchini Pickles.
The recipes said 5 pints... 

1 comment:

Krissi said...

Congrats Kirst! That's awesome of you to put up your own food. Keep me posted on how long it sits on your shelf. I savor my food as long as I can keep my kids out of it. :-) It's too much work just to open up a can and be done with it too soon, right?! I'm proud of you!