Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Carter's 3rd Birthday!

I can't believe our little Chicken Noodle, Noodle Doodle, Monster Man, Carter Man, Turkey Noodle is 3. I gave the little man the choice between cupcakes or a big cake and he chose a big cake with blue for the writing.  I thought I had a picture of the cake but I can't find it.  It said "Carter is 3!".  However, that was quickly covered up with blue scribbles because Carter thought he needed to write something too.   
Carter with his cake, eyeing the frosting, patiently waiting for his turn to decorate.
 Showing off some of his presents. 
 The handlebars from CARTER'S NEW BIG KID BIKE!
 We thought it might be fun to Skype with my Mom and Dale while we sang Happy Birthday and had cake. I also thought my Mom and Dale needed to see the cake Carter decorated.  It would have been a good idea if I had used a regular pan instead of non-stick and if I had used less Pam.  Next time I'll leave the cake on the table and lift the laptop.  I'm not sure if my Mom and Dale flinched as the cake fell out.  I can only imagine it was similar to when you hit a bird with a car.  You know there is a windshield, but you still flinch.  It only took an hour to get it all cleaned up, and it still works.  Surprisingly we both had a good laugh about it.  No sense in getting worked up about a little frosting in the laptop and internet modem (that I had just replaced).
 What is a Birthday without a cake?  Carter gave me the "what the heck is this mess" look when I put the cake back in the pan and stuck three candles in it.
 But he still blew them out.
 Kirsten:  "We can still eat it.  It's not like it fell on the floor."
Landon:  "Do we have ice cream?"
Kirsten:  "No."
Landon:  "You dropped the cake on the computer and we don't even have ice cream?!?"
I think Landon might have been more upset about the cake than Carter.  We did eat it, most of it anyway.  Luckily, our boys don't seem to get too excited about cake.  I think they'd rather have grapes or cantaloupe; which is fine with me, more for Landon and I.
 Carter got a shaving kit just like his Daddy's and he shaved like he had been doing it for years.  What a little mini Landon.


Andy said...

Ive seen laptops that are a mess, but that one really 'takes the cake'

Dave said...

Looks like the computer may need a protection in the future
Glad it still works for Skypeing
What a great memory for another birthday They get more exciting every year and they come way to fast

Thanks for a great blog