Sunday, January 29, 2012

Henry's 1st Birthday!

Can you believe it? Henry is already one! The time flew by. We didn't have a Birthday party for Henry, just had cake and homemade vanilla ice cream on the 16th. Landon and I both took the day off and stayed home to marvel at the little wonder we created.My cake decorating skills at their finest.

Henry ate his cake but didn't really seem to enjoy the cake like his Mom and Dad did. Carter didn't finish his piece or his ice cream, something I wasn't really upset about. What kid really needs a piece of cake and ice cream at 8 o'clock at night?
In the end he wasn't all that messy.
Getting all cleaned up.My Mom, Aunt Mickey, and Cousin Dalton came up for the weekend before Henry's birthday and brought a few presents. Just like at Christmas, Henry didn't get to open any of his presents, nor does he get to play with them. Carter is very much in the "mine" stage and only shares on occasion, when no one is looking of course.


Dave said...

Looks like a fun cake for your B Day Henry Bet the bath felt really good after all that

Happy 1st BDay!!!!

Krissi said...

ok, now that i am caught up you can update again on your cute boys!