Monday, August 22, 2011

Guess What...

More fishing pictures.

When Carter gets left behind he goes fishing by himself. We searched high and low for a boat and found Landon's ice fishing sled. We just happened to have an old net laying around and of course Carter has his own pole, tackle box, and bait. We forgot the life jacket, which is somewhat surprising because he knows that he has to wear it when he goes fishing and we have more than one spare. This kept him busy enough that I got most of the house picked up, no, wait. I'll go as far as to say that it kept him busy enough for me to get most of the house CLEANED, not just picked up.

The Salmon are biting. This one was 12lbs. Bet you can't guess what we're having for dinner...every other night...let's just say we won't have to take fish oil supplements, EVER.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Henry NOT Eating

What 7 month old doesn't like applesauce and rice cereal mixed with breast milk? This 7 month old. We've been trying to get Henry to eat cereal plain, mixed with veggies, or mixed with fruit. We've tried organic, rice, and whole wheat cereals. Nothing. He just lets it sit in his mouth until it mixes with enough saliva that it starts dripping back out. Grandma Penney has been the only one that can get a whole bowl full of dinner into his little belly. We tried cereal at about 5 1/2 months for 2 weeks and it wasn't a hit so we stopped until he was 6 1/2 months old and still nothing. This short clip is just 38 seconds out of about 5 minutes of videoing that he kept the food in his mouth but wouldn't swallow it. I did a little experiment to see how many bites I could put in his mouth before he swallowed it, spit it out, or started gagging on it. I stopped at 5. He appears to be getting enough to eat...he isn't fussy, sleeps through the night and is generally a happy baby. I guess we'll just skip food for now. I'm sure it'll come back to get us eventually (and then he'll be harvesting his own dinner, hope he likes venison).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Carters 'kini' Body

I know I shouldn't post this, but it was too funny not to. I was laying out in the sun for a few minutes every day at nap time in my itsy bitsy teeny weeny black and green string bikini to work up a little tan so I wouldn't burn during the fishing tournament and Carter found my 'don't let anyone see me in it now' swimming suit of my youth. (whoo, long sentence). Carter couldn't say, nice bikini body mom, but he could say, "kini on, mom". So I helped him into it. Sad part was he wanted to go outside and go swimming in it. I didn't let it go that far.

More Fish!

I went to Billings, Landon went fishing.
Landon and Mark were able to spend a day this last week doing "research".

Like Father Like Son

The Holte men have an addiction and it appears to be hereditary. Carter wakes up and immediately asks, "Dad wake? Mom wake? Baby wake?". If Landon isn't home Carter asks, "Dad wook?". Depending on my reply, Carter asks, "Boat home?". Our conversation continues until Carter determines that Dad is awake, Dad isn't at work, and the boat is not at home. Then it is a fight to get him to do anything because in his little mind he has figured out that his Dad is fishing without him. He must get his 'ishing pole' and go fishing. One day last week Landon got done with work early and picked Carter up from Katey's house to go fishing. They got home at about 8:30 with dinner for a week.

I'm afraid that I will lose both my boys to the same addiction that has consumed their Father; unless of course all the fish die.

Women's Walleye Tournament

Kristie and I fished the Women's Walleye Tournament July 30th in Fort Peck. This is our money fish that Kristie caught. Landon was our navigator and wasn't allowed to do anything but drive the boat; we had to touch the slimy worms and blood sucking leaches ourselves. We finished in 4th place with about 17 pounds and won rods and reels. Then...dun dun dun...later that night we got a call that there had been a 30.5" Northern weighed as a Walleye (good for about 10 pounds) and we actually got 3rd place. We had to give the rods and reels back but got plaques and $500 instead. We caught about a dozen fish for the day, got a little sun burnt, filled up on candy, and had a great time. We'll definitely have to do it again next year.