Sunday, April 3, 2011

Henry's New Mittens

Yes, I said Henry's New Mittens. John and Holly gave Henry a super cute hat and mitten set (at 3 in the afternoon) and Carter immediately took them, and the bag they came in (also in the picture on the far left). He would only take them off to eat and take a shower, otherwise, he wore them for two days straight. It was also very important to keep the gift bag close at hand, even if that means sleeping with it. Funny kid.


Momma G. said...

my wonderful Grandson, wish I was there snuggling with him........

BirdLady said...

He is such a cutie..

The Fast Family said...

That is PRICELESS!!!
Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

How cute! He better enjoy it now. When Henry gets bigger, he won't let Carter take his presents.