Sunday, April 3, 2011

Henry and Carter

This isn't the best video but I thought I'd post it anyway. I was trying to get Henry to "talk" to me, but Carter interrupted. We'll have to try again, when Carter is no-where to be found. As soon as I bring out the camera he wants it. I keep hoping he'll take the Million $ picture at 2 years old, but we have yet to get one of something other than the footstool or his feet.


Momma G. said...

I love the video, my Grandsons are so precious and cute, I am truely blessed. Thanks for sharing, love it, hugs and love to all 4 of you.

BirdLady said...

Oh funny! Love it...I can't wait to see them both.

Unknown said...

Love it!! So fun to see and hear both of them. Anxious to see them, whenever you make it to Billings.