Thursday, April 28, 2011

A First for Carter

When it comes to nap time or bed time we tend to stick to the same routine...a couple books, hugs, kisses, and I love yous, sometimes a few minutes of snuggling,and then it's time to go to sleep. We very rarely have a fight. We also very rarely have a child that just falls asleep anywhere. Carter has nodded off a handful of times in his highchair or on the couch and once on the floor when he was about 4 months old, so this was quite a surprise to me. I think he was mad at me because I needed to feed Henry and couldn't do one of the million things he wanted to do. He was in Henry's room for about 20 minutes before Aunt Mickey and I decided we needed to check on him. Not sure what Carter's thought process was that led him to this position but he was sure sleeping soundly.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Any place is a good for a well deserved nap