Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday Night Fishing

I used to post about hunting and fishing because that is all we did. Then we had Carter and he was all I posted about. Now...we have Carter fishing and hunting to post.
Although Landon is holding the fish, I actually caught it but I chose to let Landon handle it so I didn't have to stink like Lake Trout all night. Unfortunately, this momma didn't survive, so we'll have to eat her.

Carter loves to drive the boat, and prefers if Landon doesn't help him. He checks the depth finder, waves at the other boats, watches what is out ahead of us. He is a spittin' image of his dad.


Unknown said...

Carter looks like a real pro driving Dad's boat. You can tell that he just loves being out on the water. He is one happy little fella.

The Fast Family said...

How fun! Love the pictures. Is he scared around a fish his size? He looks like he is definitely in his element!

Krissi said...

Hilarious! Really, we need to introduce Walker and Carter. They would be best buds. Carter looks so grown up with a hat on. Gives him a totally new look.

BirdLady said...

I love these pictures! Jason and I might need to try and schedule a camping trip up there next year!