Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Hair Cut, Before

Age: 17 Months, 1 Week, 7 Hours

I don't think this post needs much explination. He's 17 months old, he doesn't sit still, he's a flirt, and the salon was packed with women. I thought about cutting his hair myself when I did Landon's a few days earlier, but thought better of it. Kristie, my boss' wife is a hair dresser, and she'd skin me alive if I didn't give her the first hair cut. Carter went to work with me for the first year, and Kristie was there 2-3 days a week, so they are a bit attached to eachother. She did a great job. Of course the wiggling made it hard to get good pictures. It may be awhile before he gets another hair cut, it makes him look old.

1 comment:

Krissi said...

I just realized you have an "Estimated Completion date" on your side bar. Does that mean you're done after this one? What a boring life with only 2 kids! lol. Just giving you a hard time. ;-) You are probably just sane and I need some of that!