Monday, July 19, 2010

Gender Prediction, Tests 2 and 3

Ancient Chinese Birth Chart at

What age were you when you conceived? 30
What month did you conceive? April

Result: 83% this baby is a Boy

Chinese Gender Chart based on the lunar calendar

Conceived April 20th which is day 7 of the 3rd lunar month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

Result: Girl

Not sure if I did the lunar calendar test right; the test you can't mess up unless you don't know your own age or when you conceived. I thought about throwing out these two tests because they have conflicting results but our baby's gender was determined by God long ago and these gender prediction tests are called wive's tales for a reason. If family history is any indication of gender...
Dale (Landon's Grandpa) had a boy (Dave, Landon's Dad) and a girl
Dave had two boys (Landon and Casey)
Landon had one boy
Casey had one boy
...I'd guess we're having a boy.


1 comment:

Krissi said...

When do you actually find out anyway?! Don't you have that ultrasound scheduled already - even though it's still a while away? I can't wait!!!