Sunday, July 25, 2010

Carter Can Make His Own Lunch

My amazing child is such a big help. I was making PB&J a few days ago, and he pulled out the bottom drawer and crawled in so he would be tall enough to see the top of the counter and help make lunch. He decided he wanted a banana with his sandwich. I tried to take it away and explain that he needed to eat some veggies and his sandwich first. That didn't really work, so I told him to take it to the table and sit down while I finished. He did. Of course, he's an angel. A minute later he brings this back to me...

apparently he couldn't wait and needed the banana right then. He had an aweful look on his face and gladly spit out what he had bitten off. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture of him, but you can imagine the face he made.


Krissi said...

We had to buy a banana from the store like this just the other day cuz Walker couldn't wait til we got home to eat it - or even wait until we got to the car. He had to take a big ol' bite out of it sitting in the cart! Carter and Walker would be such good buds!

Unknown said...

Too funny! I can just imagine his expression. That would be nasty tasting. I'm not a real big fan of bananas even with the peel off.