Saturday, January 24, 2009

It's Time To Name Our Little Bean

We finally agreed to these seven names, but can't seem to narrow it down any further. I told Landon he could pick the last name and I'd pick the first. That almost worked. He wanted to name him if he was a boy and me to name her if she was a girl, but I wouldn't go for that. So here we are, leaving our little boy's name up to our blog visitors. His middle name has already been decided, Marie, after me. Just kidding. David, it's Landon's middle name. So it has to sound good together, ------ David Holte. If our little bean was a girl her name would have been Eden Marie Holte, no other choices. But, he's a boy and we only have three weeks to decide, so get voting!

1 comment:

BirdLady said...

I like Drake.

It's kind of a wildlife name...