Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Worst Dog in the Whole World

She isn't really. This adorable lab has been sneaking up on the bed at about 5 am. Of course she has to sleep on my side, by my legs. Well, as you can imagine, I'm not all that comfortable while sleeping anyway, so I've been kicking her off and back down to the floor. On this particular morning I kicked her off and went back to sleep until the alarm went off. I got up, took and shower, and headed back to the bedroom for some clothes, only to find Abby on the bed again. This time on my pillow and snuggled in. I think she was trying to tell me something. She finally figured out she doesn't get to sleep on the bed anymore, so now when the alarm goes off she stands next to me and stares until I get up and let her have the bed. They just might be smarter than we give them credit for. We have those "Marley and Me" moments quite frequently, but how can you not love them?


Unknown said...

They know WAY more than we think they do. Then, they have this way of looking so innocent like they wouldn't dream of doing anything wrong. Gotta love em!!! Abby looks very cute snuggled up by the pillow.

Krissi said...

So, you're 27 days away - I want more details about you than this puppy dog! And another brave belly picture would be great!!!