Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Since We Don't Have Kids Yet...

We have dog friends over for play dates. We dog sit for some friends (two belong to them, the other two are their son's) every once in awhile. Abby loves to have friends over. 5 Labs is a little much though, especially when it comes time to clean up the poo. We've grown quite fond of the two we usually watch, Boone and Belle-two of the chocolates. If we didn't already have two dogs we'd definitely get another lab.


Disney Mom said...

I love that you have doggie play dates. We love labs too. We used to have two, Buck and Jackson, but now we just have Bucky. Jackson lives with Matt's mom so we still get to see him, but he was a little naughty around Ryan when he started to walk so we had to get rid of him for Ryan's safety. He is still a really good dog, just think he was a little jealous ever since we brought Ryan home from the hospital. Labs sure are cute though aren't they!

Krissi said...

Oh this is hilarious Kirst! Your dogs and their friends look so obedient all lined up in the back of the truck! You'll be such a good mom, if this is what you do for your dogs with arranging playdates and all!