Monday, April 21, 2008

If You Can Call It Work

This is a really good day for them. These are adult pallid sturgeon. They get really old. I asked Landon how old and he said, "If I knew that I'd be a millionaire." They estimate that the adult sturgeon they are catching are between 50 and 100 years old, but scientists don't know for sure how old they get.
Landon works for Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks in the Fisheries department. He's a fisheries technician for the Pallid Sturgeon Population Assesment Project. He tried to explain it to me, but he spends most of his day netting fish, measuring them, tagging them, and occasionally performing surgery to implant them with tracking devices. They go out on the water as soon as the ice is off and work til October-ish in almost any kind of weather. Some days they don't catch any pallid sturgeon.

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