Thursday, September 27, 2012

Carter's Forklift

 My brother, Andy, flew up a few days before Mother's Day to hang out with us.  Carter got into the Legos this past winter and was super excited for Uncle Andy to come up and play Legos with him.  Carter wasn't building much on his own but loved to play with whatever was built for him.  He requested a forklift.
"Posing" with his forklift.  The forklift actually worked and Andy made a little video of it.

We tried to put the Legos away for the summer but they kept getting out of the box and now we're back into building full swing with a constant Lego mess in the basement.  Carter and I are currently working on a village of all the Lego sets Andy and I had when we were little.  Our genius Mom laminated the instructions and some are 25 years old but still like new.  However, she didn't start that until well after we had our collection established.  Thank goodness for the internet.  I've been able to find  missing instructions for quite a few.  Just today Carter started building on his own.  First he tried to build a car but ended up needing some help after he had all the pieces he wanted on it.  I had some things that needed to be done so he started our next project without me.  By the time I got back downstairs he had found about 1/4 of the pieces we needed for the Semi and Trailer.  I'm hoping all this time we spend playing Legos is just the beginning of his work as an engineer or architect.  Stay tuned for pictures of Carter and his village.

1 comment:

Dave said...

That is fantastic Carter!!!
Looks like it will be Eng Degree in the future
Remember your first rattlesnake tail is also like Legos and and you can add or delete to your desired length of tail
Great work Carter and Andy