Friday, April 29, 2011

Carter, Easter 2011

We had our own Easter Egg hunt on Sunday morning. Carter did pretty well hunting his "eggies", we only had to find a few for him. Of course Abby would have led Carter to every egg that had food in it if we had let her.
Carter was just using his hands to pick the eggs up, so we gave him the wire spoon to lift them out, and this is his interpretation of how it works. He was pretty proud of himself for using it to get the eggs out.

Oh the excitement!

The Saturday morning before Easter the Fort Peck Community Federal Credit Union does an egg hunt for the kids. Carter found about 5 eggs but didn't find the special egg that won the Easter Basket. He traded in his eggs for a baggie of goodies.

1 comment:

Dave said...

That looked like a fun Easter I did not see any snow

Next year Henry gets to look for eggs