Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Henry - 2 Months Old

Where have the last 2 months gone? It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and now I have a 2 month old. At Henry's check up last week (1M 28D) he was 11 lbs 14 oz and 25.25 in (8 oz and 2.25 in more than Carter was at 1M 18D.) I think Henry might have the Wilson height gene. We've had a few full nights of sleep, and not what Doctors consider full nights. Real, 9 hour full nights. We get smiles thoughout the day and he really doesn't fuss much. Henry has adjusted well to going to work, but everyone there, including our customers, loves him. He likes bathtime, but we've only tried 1 bath with Carter so far. It is alot of work to bathe them together since Carter is so helpful. We are so blessed to have Henry in our lives. He's such a sweet baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet little guy!! His looks are changing. He doesn't look so much like Carter's twin anymore. Can't wait to see him sometime.