Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Male Bonding

Carter and Henry spending some quality time together watching Potty Time Elmo.

Henry's Smiles

I finally managed to capture some of Henry's smiles. He really smiled for the first time on Carter's Birthday, February 15th.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Carter Has A New Friend

Carter found this minnow in the backyard. It could have been there for months frozen in the tundra. He carried his little fish around that very small grassy area for about an hour. Then, he put it in the trunk of his trike and drove it around the deck. I think Abby finally ate it. We've had a ton of snow this winter (just broke the 100" mark last night) and it finally started melting about a week ago. As you can see, it could still be awhile before Carter can get out to the swingset.

Henry - 2 Months Old

Where have the last 2 months gone? It seems like just yesterday I was pregnant and now I have a 2 month old. At Henry's check up last week (1M 28D) he was 11 lbs 14 oz and 25.25 in (8 oz and 2.25 in more than Carter was at 1M 18D.) I think Henry might have the Wilson height gene. We've had a few full nights of sleep, and not what Doctors consider full nights. Real, 9 hour full nights. We get smiles thoughout the day and he really doesn't fuss much. Henry has adjusted well to going to work, but everyone there, including our customers, loves him. He likes bathtime, but we've only tried 1 bath with Carter so far. It is alot of work to bathe them together since Carter is so helpful. We are so blessed to have Henry in our lives. He's such a sweet baby.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Carter Ice Fishing

It is finally warm enough for Carter to go ice fishing with Landon. He is a typical fisherman when asked how big the fish was; arms spread out as far as he can reach. When asked how many fish he caught he first shows all 10 fingers and then quickly shows just 1. I'm not sure if that is 11 fish or just 1. Either way, he's grabbing his coat and boots before you can finish asking him if he wants to go fishing with his dad.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What boredom can do on a Saturday afternoon.

Who wants to put come over and put this back together?

It worked, but it squeaked. Landon's solution...take it apart and find the squeak. It could be a bearing. That is what the internet says, and the internet is never wrong. So, check back tomorrow to see if the bearings that came in the mail today fix the squeak or if I got the overpriced dryer of my dreams because it didn't fix the squeak and now doesn't work at all.

Notice the clothes baskets of laundry sitting there? We are now up to about 10 loads and Carter has one pair of clean pants left.

I have no doubt that Landon can fix it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who's Who

I would really appreciate it if everyone that takes pictures of my boys would please make sure the date on their camera is correct. It appears Carter and Henry look a bit alike. Can you tell them apart? Their own Daddy only got 5 out of six right, and he sees them every day ;)