Monday, August 23, 2010

Gender Predicition, Final Test

IF you have patience and IF you have ultrasound body part knowledge you MIGHT be able to see what kind of "Little Bean" we're having. All looks well. Due date is still January 11th. Hint: minutes :36-:55 might help you out.


Unknown said...

Even with the hints it is hard for dumb ol' me to make things out; but, I think that I did see a little something that would indicate a boy. :o)

Was good to see you guys yesterday.


Disney Mom said...

Me thinks me saw a turtle too!

Krissi said...

I totally vote boy, although it's been a couple years since I saw that on an ultrasound. PlEEEase tell us if we're right! You're killing me here!

The Fast Family said...

Definitely a boy! That's my vote!
Sad story for us. The DVD recorded didn't work on Monday when we had the ultrasound, AND the baby didn't cooperate one bit so we didn't get a picture either. Boohoo! Happy to know that our little one is healthy though! We'll just be completely surprised as to the looks of this little one...I'm assuming it will look a lot like Tony, me, and Natalie! :)