Saturday, July 3, 2010

More June 2010

Landon is trying to teach Carter everything he needs to know about fishing. So far the only thing Carter has picked up on is "ish".

Driving Mom and Dad's vehicles must be the coolest thing ever. Until we have to pry his little hands off the steering wheel to get him out of there.

My momentary little angel.

Earlier this month Carter went through a quick little faze of putting his peanut butter and jelly hands in his hair. This is what he looks like after a wipe down with wet paper towels. The jelly has a nice hair gel effect.


Unknown said...

Love the first photo ... what a handsome little guy! The second one is so sweet of Carter getting advice from his Daddy on fishing.

Disney Mom said...

Is the "estimated completion" on the right side of your blog an announcement? Or did I miss it somewhere else?