Monday, February 9, 2009

Baby Update, February 9, 2009

Nothing to tell you. I went to the Dr this morning and I was hoping he'd have to admit me because I was on the verge of delivering, but to my disappointment, I'm not even 1/2 a centimeter dilated. I go in again on Monday, February 16th, hopefully dilated. Til then, keep waitin'.

You might have noticed that this is the same as the last post. That is because ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED! Don't be scared, I wasn't yelling at you, just raising my voice out of frustration. I know I'm not due for another 5 days, but come on, 1/2 a centimeter, something, anything. I'm not even having Braxton Hix contractions, all the pain from last weekend is gone, and he's still moving like crazy not taking a couple days off to save up energy for his debut.


Unknown said...

Oh, Kirsten, I feel so sorry for you! I know how anxious I am for him to make his debut. I can't imagine the frustration that you are feeling. Hopefully this week things will kick into gear.

Krissi said...

Have you gone for a 4-wheel ride? Jogging? Visualizing? Boating? anything to stir him up and want to come out and see what you're doing without him? Good luck!!!
PS - it's Monday - where's your update? Even if nothing has changed, I wanna know!

BirdLady said...

You're going crazy, eh?

He'll come. :)

Krissi said...

In case anyone else reading this hasn't talked to Kirsten, I think she's in La La Land with her new baby - Carter. She promised to update and still hasn't, but she's had the baby and boy is he cute! I'm sure she'll remember us sooner or later that we're out here in BlogLand waiting for her to update...