Thursday, February 14, 2008

How We Met

I guess we're followers, cuz we've jumped on the blogging bandwagon-thanks to Krissi. I thought I'd start somewhere near the beginning, like how we met.

In June of 2003 I helped my best friend, Cindy, move to Glasgow, MT to take a fisheries job with Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks. She spent the summer up there working and falling for her boss, Ryan.

Enter Landon.
Ryan and Landon worked on different projects but were fishing and hunting buddies. Over the next year jobs changed, and Cindy moved, but continued seeing Ryan. All the while I was in Billings working at FedEx and moving into my first house.

The fall and winter came and went, and then it was spring. In May 2004, Landon took Ryan to North Dakota for his annual all boys paddle fish weekend. They caught fish, drank beer, stayed up all night doing whatever boys do, and had an all around great time. Then it was Ryan's turn to plan the trip. On June 4, 2004, Ryan took Landon on his family's annual paddle fish trip to Slippery Anne. Cindy and Ryan hadn't seen each other for about a month, so she went too. And of course, she didn't want to be the only girl, so I had no choice but to go with her.

So, on June 4, 2004 I backed my fishing bag and headed north. We got there at about dark, when all the boys were feeling pretty fine. We had two tents; one for the girls, one for the boys. That lasted about 5 minutes. I didn't care where I slept, as long as I had an air mattress and didn't have to sleep on the ground. Cindy did care though. Apparently absence makes the heart grow fonder, so Ryan moved in and I got kicked out. I had two choices, sleep with Ryan's dad in the camper and listen to a saw mill, or shack up with Landon. Either way, I didn't know a thing about the two of them. I picked Landon and that is how we met.

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