Wednesday, July 17, 2013

T-Ball 2013

This year was Carter's first for T-Ball.  He was a Kangaroo with 7 boys and 2 girls.  I think he had fun.  We could really see the improvement over the 5 weeks they played, however, his attention span at games, much like other 4-7 year olds, was pretty short.  I don't think he fielded one ball but he didn't seem to mind.  He spent most of his time on the field dancing.  I missed getting a video of that.
We've been working on his batting at home and he can really wack a wiffle ball with the wiffle bat, but has a little trouble with the big bat and a real ball.

My little slugger.

After the last game they got a certificate with their names and coaches signatures on it.  Carter was pretty concerned all season about whether or not they would get a trophy or metal for playing.  He was satisfied with his certificate and ice cream bar.

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