Monday, April 15, 2013

A Day at Home With Dad

Over the weekend the stars aligned perfectly...

 We ended up with 7 inches of wet snow with 30 degree weather, making the roads nearly impassable.
The regular babysitter had planned to take the Monday off.
Carter woke up with a cough and snot, making it unacceptable to take him to the back up sitter, AKA Grandma Sue, since she is headed out of town soon and can't risk a cold.
Kristie and Taylor were both stuck in Billings and couldn't cover for me at work, on payroll day.

So, Landon stayed home with the boys so I could creep to work in the truck at 35 mph to make sure everyone got paid.

It was warm enough this afternoon to get outside and make a fort.  Landon said Carter supervised while Henry ate snow.  I think Landon had the most fun.  I can't wait to see what they build when they are a little older and want to help.

Henry wasn't very happy about taking a picture and just wanted some "Momma" since I was gone all day.  I was only home for a few minutes before having to leave again for a Town Council meeting.  When I got home the boys were quietly playing in Henry's room while Landon made calls to the firemen about training.  Then we heard a few thuds.  I figured they were just trying to get to the bottom of the toybox...


I tried to put the shelves back in so they could start picking up but the little stinkers even went as far as taking the shelf pegs out and putting them into different holes.  At least they didn't empty the closet.

Other than coming home to this disaster, the house was cleaned up, including the inside of the fridge, which I hate to do.  

1 comment:

Dave said...

Nice fort boys Did you go by a Blueprint?

I like the mess in your room Truly has been a long winter for you both Soon spring and summer will be here

Miss you guys