Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!

After church last Sunday we carved pumpkins.  Both of the boys were a huge help, especially with using sharp knives to carve the smallest details.

 Carter won't give up his cowboy wedding outfit so we turned it into his Halloween costume.  Just add a gun, spurs, holster, and Sheriff's badge and we're set.  I did buy a bandanna but he didn't want it.  He also has/had handcuffs but I think they got thrown out the last time I had to pick up toys.  Henry is in love with Buzz Lightyear so his costume was a no brainer.  He fell right out the front door so getting a good picture of him was dang near impossible. 

 Henry was fascinated with the candles in the pumpkins and tried more than once to reach in and grab it.  Luckily, we had a Sheriff near by that could handle the situation for us.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Looks like I will have to WILL all my carving tools to Carter and Henry someday.
I am hoping someone continues the woodcarving hobby

Great job on the pumpkins,, boys