Wednesday, October 17, 2012

3 Little Pumpkins

Pumpkins in our neck of the prairie get eaten by deer if they are carved.  The deer won't touch them if the are whole, but as soon as you carve them and put them within reach they'll eat every bit but the stem.  We decided to put a pumpkin on Carolyn's grave since she liked Halloween so much.  She dressed up like a witch every year to hand out candy and loved to see the boys in their costumes.  Carter thought Dave needed one too.  So he painted these pumpkins for Dave (left) and Carolyn (right).  He named them Avery and Lars, not sure which is which.  He took Dave his pumpkin and we took the 4 wheeler up to the cemetery to drop off Carolyn's.  He picked a good spot for it next to some flowers, checked out her headstone, told her he missed her and was ready to go.  Hopefully the deer leave the pumpkin alone.  

1 comment:

Dave said...

Great Job on painting your pumpkins Carter
You did a special deed by placing one on Carolyns grave. She is so smiling at you for that..
If the deer eat part of it she will understand