Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Take a Guess...More Fishing

This winter Landon had a couple trips out of town for work and Carter reely missed him and their time fishing together.  I suggested that Landon bring Carter back a special prize after his long trips away, even something small would do, like a matchbox car or a pack of temporary tattoos.  He went with a rod and reel instead.  I guess every two year old needs his own ice fishing rod.
 Carter's first fish with his new rod.

 What a trio Landon, Carter, and Abby are.

 Carter has the easy job, holding down the gear.
Fishing in the "ice house" with Henry.  What an imagination.  The day after this was taken a little boy I sometimes watch came over for a few hours.  Carter got out the ice house and fishing gear and was showing Bode how to ice fish.  Carter takes fishing very seriously and within minutes the boys were on the ground in a fight like no other I have ever seen, all because Bode was fishing incorrectly.  I laughed a little only because Carter was so very upset that his friend was not pretend fishing right.  

I probably shouldn't show these next pictures.  We do not encourage our sons to play with knives but this was bound to happen.  We almost always have a cutting board and fillet knife on the workbench in the garage.  There is also usually a bucket in front of the workbench for guts that doubles as a stool.  It is also not uncommon to see a fish or bird, depending on the season, laying on the cutting board waiting to be cleaned.  Carter obviously knows the routine and was prepared to help do his part cleaning fish.  Like I've said before, probably more than once, Carter is Landon's mini.  And that is okay because I'm confident that everything Landon is teaching him will help make my CarterMan a compassionate, polite, devoted, loving, responsible, funny, caring, trustworthy, hard working, honest man that knows how to clean a fish.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Yeah a mini Landon he is
What a fisherman he will be.
Wont be long before Henry and Cater both will be cleaning fish