Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Henry has finally started eating. He's been eating two meals a day now for about the last two weeks. I weened him and that may have been the final nudge to get him to eat. So far he likes everything we've given him but since he didn't start eating food when most kids do he's probably a bit behind on the finger foods, although, he's quickly catching up.
Last night was the first night Carter wanted to help, so I gave him a jar and a spoon and let him have a go at feeding his little brother. He did pretty good, but I'm sure that is because he did the "Mother mouth" when he was feeding him. I've found that I have to clench my jaw to keep from doing it and looking like a complete clown. I was a little worried that Carter would put the spoon too far in Henry's mouth, but it all went well. Guess I can cross one more thing off my chore list.

1 comment:

Dave said...

What a big help Carter can be

Quite cute pics of the grandsons