Friday, May 13, 2011

Carter's New HairDo

Yesterday I put Katey's hair up with a purple hair tie right before lunch so I wouldn't have to pick tuna fish burrito out of her hair when she was finished eating. The kids went outside after lunch for a few minutes and Katey came back in without her pony tail. No big deal, I didn't like the hair tie anyway. Katey is as busy as a bee so I thought the hair tie was long gone. Guess not. Carter was outside supervising the neighbor while he mowed and found the missing hair tie. When he came in he insisted that he have a pony tail, or what looks more like a zebra mane. He left it up until after lunch when I took it out. What made him look even funnier is the shirt he is wearing is a little big and almost looks like a dress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He looks so proud of his new 'do' Will be a great picture to show at his high school graduation.